Paula Vennells – Live: Ex-postmaster accused of ‘crocodile tears’ as she battles Horizon probe

Paula Vennells broke down in tears during her evidence on Wednesday

Ex-postal chief executive Paula Vennells has been accused by unions of crying “crocodile tears” as she tried to answer questions during her evidence at the Horizon IT scandal inquiry.

In the first of three days of evidence, Ms Vennells insisted she was unaware the post office was conducting its own private criminal investigation until 2012, despite joining the organization in 2007.

When asked about her reaction to the death of former sub-postmaster Martin Griffiths, who died after a suicide attempt in 2013, she broke down in tears and there were long pauses before answering some of the questions.

The CWU union, which represents postal workers, posted the video on X, adding: “Paula Vennells crocodile tears must be held accountable.”

More than 700 sub-postmasters were wrongfully prosecuted and convicted between 1999 and 2015 as a result of Fujitsu’s faulty Horizon IT system – which made it appear their branches were running out of money.


Paula Vennells accused of asking the team to “dig” in the records of the dead

Paula Vennells has been accused of asking her team to “dig” into the records of Martin Griffiths, who stepped in front of a bus after he was kicked out of a post office branch in 2013.

The former Post Office boss has been questioned at the Horizon IT scandal inquiry about an email she sent after his suicide attempt suggesting she had heard of “previous mental health and family issues”.

In an email to the postmaster, Mrs Vennells said: “Can you let me know what our experience is with Martin? I have heard but not yet seen a formal report that there were previous mental health issues and potential family issues.

Counsel leading the inquiry Jason Beer KC asked if Ms Vennells was asking her team to “dig through Mr Griffiths’ medical records to look for information or evidence that he took his own life due to mental health issues or family issues?”

Our political correspondent Archie Mitchell reports:

Andy GregoryMay 22, 2024 7:58 p.m


Watch: Paula Vennells cries as she gives evidence at the Post Office Horizon IT inquiry

Paula Vennells cries as she gives evidence at the Post Office Horizon IT inquiry

Andy GregoryMay 22, 2024 7:22 p.m


The Subpostmaster said to Paula Vennels “I wonder what god you worship”

A former sub-postmaster who tried to warn the Post Office against the Horizon IT system emailed Paula Vennells when she was chief executive and said: “I wonder what god you worship”.

In 2015, Tim McCormack wrote to Ms Vennells, an ordained priest, warning her that he had “clear and indisputable evidence of an intermittent bug in Horizon that can and is causing thousands of pounds of loss to subpostmasters”.

Ms Vennells, who gave evidence at the inquest, denied she shared Post Office lawyer Rodric Williams’ view that Mr McCormack was bluffing, but said she did not remember what she did with the sub-post office email.

The inquest heard Mr McCormack sent another message to Ms Vennells in July 2016, saying: “Typical head-in-the-sand response from a team you trusted too much. Once the police investigation is complete, it is highly likely, indeed likely, that members of your staff will be sent to prison. Your role in this will not go unnoticed.”

He added, “I wonder what god you worship.”

Andy GregoryMay 22, 2024 6:49 p.m


Alan Bates says he has “no sympathy” for Paula Vennells

Campaigner Alan Bates said he had “no sympathy” for Paula Vennells after her tears.

Speaking outside Aldwych House after Ms Vennells gave evidence, Mr Bates said: “The whole thing is worrying for everyone, including the many victims. I really have no sympathy.”

Asked if he thought she was truly sorry, he added: “I’m interested in these apologies, they’re just words.”

Andy GregoryMay 22, 2024 6:21 p.m


Paula Vennells evidence “like figure skating on a pin”, says Alan Bates

Campaigner Alan Bates said Paula Vennells’ evidence was “like figure skating on a pin”.

Speaking outside Aldwych House after Ms Vennells gave evidence, Mr Bates said: “It was a bit like figure skating on a pin all day, isn’t that a wonderful thing to look back on?

“It’s only day one of three so I don’t know where we’re going to go but it was good to see her in the stands.

Andy GregoryMay 22, 2024 5:56 p.m


The Chair thanks the public for their restraint during Paula Vennells’ testimony

Inquiry chairman Sir Wyn Williams thanked those present in the gallery for their restraint during today’s proceedings as the hearing was adjourned for the day.

He said: “I can say to members of the public and keynote speakers who were present that there could have been a lot more verbal intervention than there was from the floor – and I am very grateful to you for your restraint throughout the day.

“But that’s not to encourage you to be less restrained, but to encourage you to be, if anything, even more restrained during the rest of this week.

Andy GregoryMay 22, 2024 5:29 p.m


Vennells was accused of crocodile tears by association

The CWU postal workers union released a video of Vennells’ tearful testimony, accusing her of producing “crocodile tears”.

They added: “No tears when postmen tragically took their own lives due to stress. No tears when postmasters were imprisoned. “No tears when the postmasters of their entire community turned against them. The tears are too late now. Paula Vennells must be held accountable.”

Tom BarnesMay 22, 2024 4:55 p.m


Vennells fights back tears as the inquest is adjourned

Just before the break, Sir Wyn Williams asks about the Post Office’s strategy and whether Vennells was advised to be “very precise, very circumspect and very careful” about what you told MPs.

She replies, “I would like to [agree] but I’m not sure I would have noticed it that morning.’

He takes about five seconds to begin his answer: “With distance, because maybe .

“If you need time to think, you can tell me in the morning,” he says to laughter from the gallery.

Looks like it’s starting to rip again.

Barney DavisMay 22, 2024 4:50 p.m


Vennells warns of ‘adverse media commentary’ over Fujitsu superuser email

Jason Beer KC says the inquest will soon be adjourned.

She shows Paula an email she received from General Council Jane MacLeod telling her to be prepared for “unfavorable comments from the usual commentators”.

She replies, “Thanks Jane. That’s clear – my own [sic] the question is we FJ [Fujitsu] super-users. What did we say before?”

Ms MacLeod writes: “We haven’t addressed superusers very much and the wording of some of the previous statements about who can access and edit branch data is quite narrow.”

He adds: “Clearly this is an area where we could face adverse media comments.”

Barney DavisMay 22, 2024 4:36 p.m


Postmistress who ‘returned’ £70,000 to Post Office claims her children were accused of theft

The former sub-postal lady said it The Independent the post office accused her children of stealing money from the register.

Myra Philip worked at the counter alongside her mother Mary who ran the post office in Auchtermucht, a town in Fife, Scotland.

She and her mother paid back £70,000 to the Post Office through a combination of loans, savings and loans from family members, leaving her feeling “humiliated, ashamed and frustrated”.

Barney DavisMay 22, 2024 4:30 p.m

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