20 New Ways to Improve Your ChatGPT Challenges (According to Science)

According to OpenAI co-founder Sam Altman, ChatGPT has 100 million weekly users. Many of them are founders who use a friendly (and now omniscient) chatbot to strengthen their personal brand, adopt a winner’s mindset, and outperform their competitors. But how do you know that you are using the tool as efficiently as possible? Probably not. These unconventional pointers ensure you don’t miss out on this top level of results.

Researchers at Mohamed bin Zayed University of AI have come up with a comprehensive list of best practice principles for questioning in a document called Principled Instructions Are All You Need for Questioning LLaMA-1/2, GPT-3.5/4. Entrepreneurs and business leaders can use them to take their use of ChatGPT to the next level. If you use a tool, you might as well do it right.

Improve your ChatGPT prompts with these simple pointers

Forget politeness

You don’t have to be polite when asking ChatGPT. It’s a robot, not a human. Forget please and thank you, it doesn’t matter. Save characters for more helpful instructions, such as examples, more detailed information, or clarification of any ambiguous terms. For best results, use the phrases “Your task is” and “You must.” Write clear prompts, give clear instructions, and save the fluff for people.

Include the audience

Include the intended audience in the prompt so ChatGPT knows who the output is intended for. It will keep them in mind when generating your articles, social media posts or web copy so that the results resonate better with your customers.

Use sequences

If you break down a complex task into logical steps, ChatGPT should better understand what is required. Instead of a big block of text, give instructions one prompt at a time. After each one, check for understanding and signal that more are on the way. If you’re adding a sequence to a single prompt, use line breaks to avoid confusion and ensure you get the answers you’re looking for.

Use positive commands

Tell ChatGPT what to do instead of what not to do. For example, tell him to “only use red and green” instead of “don’t use pink and purple.” This provides a greater degree of clarity and increases the likelihood of a valuable response.

Ask for further clarification

If ChatGPT produces something that doesn’t make sense, add these phrases and ask for more information. “Explain [insert specific topic] simple,” “Explain to me as if I were 11 years old,” “Explain to me as if I were a beginner in [field],” According to the study, you can even add “I will tip $xxx for a better solution!”

Give examples

Implement example-driven prompts when formatting. This way, ChatGPT knows the type of response you’re looking for and can base its predictions on that. Format the examples correctly to work within the prompt. Use either “### example ###” or “[Example]”. Don’t stop formatting there. Use line breaks to separate instructions, examples, questions, context, and data. This will help the tool understand which part of your challenge is which.

Threaten punishment

You wouldn’t threaten your human team members, but you can threaten ChatGPT. The researchers found that using the phrase “You will be penalized if…” yielded better results.

Ask it to be more human

ChatGPT has telltale signs of AI-generated content, and some are so distinctive they’re comical. You can ask him to become more human by including this line in the prompts: “Respond in a natural, human-like way” and asking him to leave out specific words. Skip ChatGPTismy for better answers.

Tell ChatGPT how to think

Be direct about how you want the tool to process your information for better output every time. Use opening words such as writing “think step by step” to trigger thought responses to catch mistakes early.

Avoid stereotypes

ChatGPT was trained on 300 billion words of content from the Internet, many of which contain stereotypes and biases. Be aware of your own bias by adding, “Make sure your answer is unbiased and doesn’t rely on stereotypes.”

Ask him to ask you

You don’t know what you don’t know. Rather than guessing what you should have mentioned in the prompt, ask ChatGPT to tell you the gaps. Include the prompt “Ask me questions to get the information you need” and emphasize that this should be done before providing answers.

Assign a role

Do you want a marketing manager? Say, “act like a marketing expert”. The same goes for a legal expert, an accounting expert and a business analyst. This brings better results. Tell ChatGPT whose wisdom it should channel in its response to ensure it aligns with your goals.

Use delimiters

Delimiters define a boundary between separate, independent areas in text streams. These include parentheses, commas, curly braces, and square brackets. Use delimiters in prompts to separate information to give it the best chance of being calculated in ChatGPT.

Frequency matters

If something is important in your application, repeat it. The priority-recency effect is at play when the ChatGPT prompt appears. Repeat a certain word or phrase several times within the prompt, especially at the beginning and end of the command. Meet the requirements with ChatGPT.

Combine techniques

Don’t rely on adding one proven method. Combine them. For example, asking ChatGPT to provide step-by-step answers, combined with giving examples and also assigning a role, will maximize your challenge further.

Request an answer

If you know how you want the response to start, say ChatGPT. Imagine asking him to write a post on LinkedIn, but you know the catch. End the prompt with the beginning of the desired answer to direct the conversation to the correct answer.

Don’t change what works

If you ask for a rewrite, you’ll get all sorts of synonyms. Sometimes you just want a subtle adjustment. In that case, use this prompt: “Edit each paragraph to improve grammar and vocabulary while maintaining the original writing style.” The paper suggested you add: “You should only improve the user’s grammar and vocabulary and make sure it sounds natural. You shouldn’t change your writing style, for example making a formal paragraph informal’

Complete your sentences

If you’ve written an entire article or social media post but need to wrap it up in a compelling way, share the beginning and ask for the end. “Your job is to finish it [song, post, blog, etc] in [describe the style, for example compelling, persuasive, empowering way]from [include other requirements] and maintaining the flow. Here’s the start: [Paste work]”

Provide sample copy

If you have text you want to emulate, give it to ChatGPT. It’s incredibly difficult to try to spark a particular writing style without giving an example, so make sure you include one. Include the instruction: “Use the same language style as listed [describe the text]: [paste the sample].”

Always be clear

While this may sound obvious, it’s always worth checking. Please read the prompt before you hit submit. Check for anything that could be misinterpreted. Compare your challenge to how you would ask a real person the same question and think about what questions they would have next. Your requests should include any relevant keywords, rules, advice or instructions to set up ChatGPT for success.

How to write better prompts in ChatGPT (according to science)

Prompting ChatGPT is a skill that you can improve like any other. Study best practices, experiment, repeat your words and go again. Find out what works well to get the best results from simple inputs. Access the benefits of more work in less time when you master this art.

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