This robotic thumb is designed to help you be more productive at work

Almost 600 members of the public tested the device, with only four unable to use it at the 2022 Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition.


Scientists have successfully developed a new, controllable prosthetic extra thumb designed to increase productivity.

A robotic thumb can help extend the capacity of the human hand, from carrying multiple drink glasses and shuffling playing cards to performing surgeries, researchers at the University of Cambridge say.

“We’re also really excited about the potential of using the thumb to increase productivity in work environments, especially those that rely on the manual dexterity of their hands to do their jobs,” said Tamar Makin, a professor of cognitive neuroscience at the university. from Cambridge.

“It can be anywhere between manual workers trying to solder a complex piece of kit, or even surgeons having to negotiate between many tools at the same time,” she added.

In 2022, the third thumb was unveiled at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition, where nearly 600 members of the public tested the device.

Only four were unable to use the robotic thumb either because it did not fit securely on their hands or because they were unable to control it with their feet.

The research team explains that the pressure sensors developed specifically for the exhibition were not suitable for very light children.

Tasks included picking up pegs from a coat rack and manipulating objects in a short time frame.

According to results published in the journal Science Robotics in May, “98 percent of participants were able to successfully manipulate objects with the extra thumb within the first minute of use, with no significant effect of gender, handedness, or affinity for hobbies involving hands. “.

How does it work?

Researchers are optimistic about the potential applications of the third thumb and its expansion into highly skilled professional environments.

“This is a technology that is specifically designed for healthy people, people with two hands and five fingers, to allow them to do more with their hands,” Makin said.

“We are trying to break the boundaries of the flesh and blood of our own body and allow you to interact with the world in a whole new way,” he added.

The research team says the third toe is controlled by a pressure sensor located under each big toe or foot.

Pressure from the right big toe pulls the third toe across the hand, while pressure from the left big toe pulls the thumb up toward the fingers.

The range of motion of the third thumb is proportional to the pressure applied.

Third Thumb developer Dani Clode says the device is easy to use.

“Any tool we learn to use in our daily lives takes some training and experience in the context of our day. The thumb is no different, but what’s really exciting about the thumb is that it looks really complicated from the start and it really isn’t,” Clode said.

She added that people can use it in a minute without taking years to learn.


The research team says the robotic device could also offer support to those who need it.

“Although the thumb is designed for healthy people, we can easily imagine situations where people with disabilities could use or benefit from the extra help of the thumb, so we are trying to create the thumb as an alternative to traditional assistive technology.” Makin said.

The researchers hope that with further testing, the third thumb could redefine human capabilities.

For more on this story, watch the video in the media player above.

Video editor • Roselyne Min

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