A rare lunar lull will illuminate Stonehenge this week

A unique celestial event will be observed at Stonehenge this week, with a live stream available on YouTube at 9.30pm BST (4.30pm EST) on Friday 21 June. The famous landmark is known for its alignment with the sunrise in summer. the solstice, which this year falls on Thursday, June 20.

But this year there was another phenomenon: one of the most southerly moonrises during a rare lunistic, or “great lunar stasis.”

A rare moon stop

In addition to the sun rising behind Stonehenge’s Heel Stone on the summer solstice, the moonrise on the same day will also be significant due to the great lunar stasis.

This event occurs every 18.6 years when both the Earth and the Moon are at their maximum declination. This results in the Moon rising and setting at its most extreme positions on the horizon.

According to English Heritage, the four station stones at Stonehenge are aligned with the direction of the most southerly moonrise during the great lunar stasis.

“Stonehenge’s architectural connection to the Sun is well known, but its connection to the Moon is less well understood,” said Clive Ruggles, Emeritus Professor of Archaeoastronomy at the University of Leicester.

“The four station stones are aligned with the extreme positions of the moon, and researchers have debated for years whether this was intentional and – if so – how it was achieved and what its purpose might have been.”

Capturing the alignment of the moon with Stonehenge

Capturing a major lunar standstill is challenging because the extreme points of moonrise do not coincide with full moons, but occur randomly during different lunar phases from 2024 to 2025.

The most extreme points are near the equinoxes, not the solstices, making this week’s near-full moonrise at the solstice a rare and dramatic event.

Scientists will be stationed at Stonehenge during a “standstill period” to document the moon’s alignment with the station’s stones.

Experience an extreme moonrise

“Unlike the Sun, observing the extremes of the Moon is not straightforward, requiring specific timing and weather conditions,” said Amanda Chadburn of the University of Oxford’s Kellogg College.

“We want to understand something of what it was like to experience these extreme moonrises and moonsets and witness their visual effects on the rocks – the patterns of light and shadow, for example – and consider modern influences like traffic and trees and document it all. of it through photography for future study,” she concluded.

More about Stonehenge

Stonehenge is an ancient prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire, England. It consists of a ring of standing stones, each about 13 feet high, seven feet wide, and weighing approximately 25 tons.

Archaeologists believe that Stonehenge was built between 3000 BC and 2000 BC. The site is part of a larger complex of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in the area, including several hundred barrow burials.

Mysterious purpose

Stonehenge’s purpose remains a matter of debate among scholars, with theories ranging from its use as an astronomical observatory to a ceremonial site for ancient rituals.

The origin of stones

The stones are believed to have been transported from great distances, with the smaller blue stones coming from the Preseli Hills in Wales, some 150 miles away.

This feat would have required considerable human effort and ingenuity, highlighting the organizational skills of the ancient builders.


The construction of Stonehenge took place in several stages, starting with a circular earthen enclosure in 3000 BC.

The iconic stone circle we see today was erected in the late Neolithic, around 2500 BC. Subsequent modifications continued into the Bronze Age, reflecting the continued importance of the site to subsequent cultures.

A heel stone

The arrangement of Stonehenge’s stones has fascinated many, as some align with the movements of the sun.

For example, during the summer solstice, the sun rises over the Heel Stone, which is outside the main circle. This alignment has led to theories that Stonehenge served as a solar calendar or a place of sun worship.

Today, Stonehenge is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and attracts over a million visitors annually.

Despite extensive research, it still holds many secrets and captures the imagination of people around the world with its mysterious origin and purpose.


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