I gave up diet coke for a month and my body completely changed

A man who “drank too much Diet Coke” said he refused to accept it was bad for him before embarking on four weeks without the drink in a bid to prove his conviction.

Paul Turner, an editor at Wales Online, said that people have “been picking on me for years” about his love of Diet Coke. But he would respond that it has zero calories or sugar, saying it’s no worse than any other processed drink or food.

He told people he doesn’t drink tea, coffee, doesn’t eat meat and only had two alcoholic drinks at the weekend.

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Paul said: “I knew Diet Coke contained the artificial sweetener aspartame, but so did tons of drinks, even many fruit pumpkins and flavored waters. People also told me what happened when you left a penny in a Coke glass and how they had to do it the same with my insides, but by no means did I give up.”

But one day, without thinking about it, Paul “naturally decided to have an occasional glass of water rather than open a can of Coke.” He added: “I thought I could do it, so I did it even more.

“Then I thought with my journalist’s head that I could try an experiment where I give it up completely, almost, and then write about it. I say almost as the rules of the game were, that I will always have it as a mix with my favorite weekend tip, Tia Maria.

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