4 Ways to Exercise Your Legs Up a Wall (That You Haven’t Tried)

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Legs Up the Wall is what many consider the quintessential strengthening yoga pose that you can rely on whenever you’re feeling overstimulated or want to take a nap but don’t have time to fall asleep. Not everyone is aware that there are different variations of Legs Up the Wall that you can use for slightly different effects.

The following exercise can be used as a 30-minute restorative yoga class that focuses entirely on different versions of the traditional pose. You can simply try one or two of these variations on their own or let the calming sequence be an invitation to surrender and give you space to restore your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Consider it permission granted to pause and rest whenever you need to.

Options start with the traditional Legs Up the Wall variation and then progress to the Straddling Variation with your feet further apart to stretch your inner thighs and hamstrings. You will then take the Deer Pose variation to target internal hip rotation as well as the inner thighs before exploring the Reclined Pigeon and Wall Butterfly variations to target external hip rotation. These poses are suitable for everyone, regardless of your yoga experience.

Practice the following sequence of poses in the evening—you can even try them in bed if you don’t have a forehead in the way—or whenever you need to slow down.

4 variations on Legs Up the Wall

No matter how many poses you try, consider it a very low-effort workout. Let the wall support you rather than trying to hold the position. Also, try to find some time when you will be completely free of distractions. Turn off your phone, dim the lights, put on some music or whatever you need to tune in and make sure you’re comfortable. Once you start, you won’t want to move much.

Take your time settling into each pose. If you have your blankets, you can keep them within reach in case you want to cover yourself, or maybe you have an eye pillow to cover your face, or if you use a pillow, you can play with the distance of it a little. from the wall. You can also choose what you want to do with your arms…maybe they go over your head, or they can rest on your stomach or at your sides.

Whichever variation you do, try to hold it for about 5 minutes.

Traditional Legs Up the Wall (Photo: Yoga with Kassandra)

Traditional legs on the wall

So with that in mind, let’s go ahead and do the traditional leg up the wall variation. I use a bolster in Legs Up the Wall because I prefer to have my hips up a bit, although support is completely optional. If you don’t have a mat at home and would like to try it, you can stack bed pillows, couch cushions, or even thick folded blankets on top of you to help raise your hips a few inches off the ground.

You can also play a little with the distance of the headrest from the wall. I like my headboard right up against the wall, maybe an inch or two away.

I find it easier to get into the pose if I sit on the side of the mat or mat and then lift my legs up, tuck my hips into the wall and lower myself onto the mat. Spread your legs hip-width apart and rest them on the wall.

As you move into the exercise, try to keep breathing into your belly with each exhalation.

In this first variation of the Pose, you stay here for about 5 minutes, simply staying with yourself and fully relaxing.

a woman practices yoga against a wall with her legs in a narrow split
Straddling the wall with your feet (Photo: Yoga with Kassandra)

1. Variation Straddling the wall

From the traditional Legs Up the Wall, challenge your legs to come apart and close to the ground. This is where gravity really works for you, so you’re not trying to force the shape. You want it to stay comfortable. Your feet will probably naturally move a little further apart while you rest here.

You can also change the position of the arms from the previous version if you want. Simply breathe in and come back to yourself.

a woman practices yoga with her legs up the wall in different directions
Deer Pose at the Wall (Photo: Yoga with Kassandra)

2. Deer Pose at the Wall Variation

From Legs Up the Wall, bend your knees and bring your feet flat to the wall or down to the bolster. With your knees bent, internally rotate your right hip as if you’re trying to press your right knee into the wall and let your right foot drop to the floor. Let your left foot go where it wants, to the side. You’re not really concentrating on what’s going on with your left leg. Stay here and let yourself rest.

This creates a fairly intense stretch along the right inner thigh. Some of you may feel the intensity of the stretch in your right knee, so if you feel discomfort, slowly come out of the pose and try the Reclined Pigeon Pose variation that follows instead.

Slowly release from the position by straightening your legs and walk to the other side.

a woman practices yoga against a wall with one foot on the wall
Lying pigeon pose by the wall (Photo: Yoga with Kassandra)

3. Lying Pigeon Pose in the wall variant

From Legs Up the Wall, simply cross your right ankle over the top of your left knee, then bend your left knee and, keeping your foot flat on the wall, slowly lower it a comfortable amount, whether your shin is almost parallel. to the floor or closer to the floor. This puts your right hip into external hip rotation.

When you find a position that feels good, rest where you are. You want it to be an educational practice, one that helps you accept less work. Remind your facial muscles, jaw, shoulders and neck to relax a little more.

When you’re ready, release the pose on that side, then switch to the other side.

a woman practices yoga against a wall with her legs folded
Butterfly Pose at the Wall (Photo: Yoga with Kassandra)

4. Butterfly Pose at the Wall Variation

From Legs Up the Wall, you get into a version that is similar to the Butterfly Pose as it is known in yin yoga, or the Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana). Just put your feet together and let your knees fall apart. You can have the heels a little higher on the wall or they can slide down.

Again, place your hands and arms where you feel comfortable. And if for some reason this pose doesn’t feel right, you can just go back to the first variation we did together, which is the traditional Legs Up the Wall. Breathe deeply.

a woman practices yoga against a wall on her side
Side Savasana (Photo: Yoga with Kassandra)

Side Savasana

When you’re ready, pull your knees back together and just roll onto your side and off the pillow until you’re in a side-lying pose, sometimes known as Side Savasana. Rest your head on your arm and relax here for a few moments. After releasing these inversions, allow yourself to re-ground and settle back into yourself to feel the effects of the practice and allow it to integrate. If you practiced these poses in bed, you can do this final pose under the covers. Stay here for about 10 breaths.

When you’re ready, slowly push your hands into the floor and sit or stay where you are. Close your eyes and pause before you go about your day or settle in for the night.

RELATED: 22 Feet-to-the-Wall Prompts You Probably Haven’t Heard

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