Brain size myth debunked by new evolutionary findings

A new study of 1,500 species shows that larger animals do not have proportionally larger brains, challenging old beliefs and establishing a curvilinear model for brain-body size relationships with significant findings in primates, rodents and carnivores. Credit:

Scientists have found that brain size does not increase in proportion to body size in larger animals, challenging long-held beliefs.

A study that analyzed data from the 1500s speciesshows a non-linear relationship and highlights rapid evolutionary changes in brain size in primates, rodents and carnivores.

Challenging traditional beliefs about brain evolution

Researchers from the University of Reading and Durham University have compiled a huge dataset of brain and body size from around 1,500 species to shed light on centuries of controversy over the evolution of brain size.

Larger brains relative to body size are associated with intelligence, sociability, and behavioral complexity—humans have evolved exceptionally large brains. New research, published today (July 8) in Ecology and evolution of naturereveals that the largest animals do not have proportionally larger brains, challenging long-held beliefs about brain evolution.

Professor Chris Venditti, lead author of the study from the University of Reading, said: “Scientists assumed for more than a century that this relationship was linear – meaning that brain size increased proportionally the larger the animal. Now we know that’s not true. The relationship between brain and body size is a curve, which basically means that very large animals have smaller brains than expected.

Professor Rob Barton, co-author of the study from Durham University, said: “Our results help to unravel the puzzling complexity of the brain-body mass relationship. Our model is simple, which means that previously elaborate explanations are no longer necessary – relative brain size can be studied using a single basic model.”

Identification of evolutionary outliers

The research reveals a simple link between brain and body size in all mammals, which has allowed researchers to identify rule-breakers – species that challenge the norm.

These outliers include our own species, Homo sapiens, which evolved more than 20 times faster than all other mammal species, resulting in the massive brains that characterize humanity today. But humans aren’t the only species bucking this trend.

All groups of mammals showed rapid bursts of change—both toward smaller and larger brains. For example, bats reduced their brain size very quickly when they first appeared, but then showed very slow rates of change in relative brain size, suggesting that there may be evolutionary constraints related to the requirements of flight.

Exceptional growth in brain size in some mammals

There are three groups of animals that have shown the most rapid change in brain size: primates, rodents, and carnivores. In these three groups, there is a tendency for relative brain size to increase over time (“Marsh-Lartet rule”). This is not a universal trend across all mammals as previously believed.

Dr. Study co-author Joanna Baker, also from the University of Reading, said: “Our results reveal a mystery. In the largest animals, something prevents the brain from getting too big. Whether this is because large brains beyond a certain size are simply too expensive to maintain remains to be seen. But since we also see similar curvature in birds, this pattern seems to be a general phenomenon – what causes this ‘strange ceiling’ applies to animals with very different biology.”

Reference: “Coevolutionary dynamics of mammalian brain and body size” by Chris Venditti, Joanna Baker, and Robert A. Barton, 8 July 2024, Ecology and evolution of nature.
DOI: 10.1038/s41559-024-02451-3

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