Today’s NYT “Connections” Tips and Answers for Friday, July 19

Looking for hints and answers for Thursday Connections? You can find them here:

ForbesToday’s NYT “Connections” tips and answers for Thursday, July 18

Hi people! The weekend is just around the corner, so I hope you have some exciting plans lined up. My favorite film festival just started so I’ll try to catch a film or two there this weekend. Even in a regular movie theater, I have so much to catch up on! Bonus: most movie theaters are air-conditioned, making them truly the perfect place for your summer get-together.

Today’s anyway RIVET Connection hints and answers keep coming.

How to play hookup

in Connection, you will see a grid of 16 words. Your task is to arrange them into four groups of four by finding the links between them. Groups can be things like horror movie franchises, type of verbs, or rappers.

There is only one solution to each puzzle and you will need to be careful about words that may fall into more than one category. You can mix up the words so you might see connections between them.

Each group is color coded. The yellow group is usually the easiest to detect, the blue and green fall in the middle, and the purple group is usually the hardest to deduce. The purple group often includes puns, so keep that in mind.

Select four words that you think go well together and hit submit. If you guess and are not wrong, you will lose a life. If you’re close to getting the group right, you might get a message saying you’re one word away from getting it right, but you’ll still have to figure out which one to replace.

If you make four mistakes, it’s game over. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen with a few tips, and if you’re really struggling, today’s Connection answers.

What are today’s connection tips?

Scroll slowly! Just after hints for each of today’s Connection groups, I will tell you what the groups are without immediately telling you what words belong to them.

Today’s 16 words are…

  • PLUS
  • BURN
  • DIG

And the tips for today’s groups are:

  • Yellow group — lover
  • Green group — liver
  • Blue group — seen at Shell or BP site
  • Purple group — connected by a certain type of furniture

What are today’s connection groups?

Need extra help?

Be warned: we’re getting into it spoiler territory.

Today’s groups are…

  • Yellow group — romantic partner
  • Green group — an insult
  • Blue group — gas pump options
  • Purple group — ____ table

What are the answers of today’s connections?

Warning: spoiler! Don’t scroll any further on the page until you’re ready to find out today Connection answers.

This is your last warning!

today’s Connection the answers are…

  • Yellow group — romantic partner (FLAME, LOVER, STEADY, SWEET)
  • Green Group – Insult (BURN, CUT, CONTINUE, SLIGHT)
  • Blue group — pump options (DIESEL, PLUS, PREMIUM, REGULAR)
  • Purple group — ____ table (COFFEE, PERIODICALS, POOL, WATER)

It’s not a perfect game today, but I’ve won 12 in a row. I have my personal record of 32 in the viewfinder.

LOVER, SWEETHEART and FLAME felt like a red herring because I couldn’t see what was going to happen to them. STEADY didn’t make sense to me. So I turned my attention elsewhere and found the blues, thanks to DIESEL and REGULAR. The greens were next, but I made the mistake of putting FLAME instead of SLIGHT.

Again, I wasn’t incredibly sure about the yellow ones. I haven’t figured out the purple connection either, but thought I might try the remaining words in case they form a group. Lo and behold they did and left me with the yellows for the win.

That’s all for today Connection clues and answers. Be sure to check out my blog for tips and solutions for Saturday’s game if you need them.

PS The green group reminded me how much I love a good roast. I also love a good bad roast, an art that Norm Macdonald has nailed perfectly. With a series of deliberately awful jokes and genuinely poignant comments about the target of the roast, Bob Saget, Macdonald is truly brilliant in this clip. Seeing some of the other comedians slowly get involved in what he’s doing is also great.

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