Larian finally gets his hands up when one 1400 hour Baldur’s Gate 3 player defeats all possible backups including a magical fish to destroy the world and find new content.

Almost a year after the full release of Baldur’s Gate 3, dedicated players are discovering the rare interactions associated with security and backup security features that prevent us from unknowingly breaking the game. The latest find comes from the 1400 hour detective Proxy Gateway Tacticianwho found a lucky merchant, magical fish, spontaneous kobolds, and an actual soft castle linked to some of the most important items in all of RPGs: the Netherstones.

The Netherstones are, uh, borrowed from the three main RPG villains and used in the fight against the big bad Netherbrain, so they’re pretty important – and since they’re late game items, you should take the rest of this analysis with a grain of salt. spoiler alert. Proxy Gate, which you may know puts out $500 reward for an extremely rare Karlach cutscenehe wanted to see what happens when you lose these items in a frankly unthinkable way, like being thrown into the ocean or a factory that’s about to explode.

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